© 2023 Argon Dental USA

The Argon K3Pro™ subcrestal implant system offers a steep 4.2mm conical connection with a 1.5° (total 3°) True Morse Taper.

The Best Possible Clinical and Esthetic Results, Verified.


Let a TRUE Morse Taper implant work for you.

Maintain Bone

Fully Guided Surgery that gets repeatable results.


All the tools you need in one place.

Restore with Success

Precise planning from start-to-finish.

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Utilizing our in-house services allows your patient’s implant and restoration to be precisely planned from start-to-finish.

The Argon K3Pro™ precision fully guided drills and surgical guide also work in harmony so the treatment plan matches the outcome, as they ensure depth stop and angulation.

Optimize the aesthetic result at implant placement with a custom tissue former or custom temporary abutment and crown.

Step-by-step precision fully guided drilling protocol

Provide a comfortable patient experience while optimizing aesthetics

Download the Argon Product Guide to Start Implementing the industry's best,

Get Your Argon K3Pro™ Product Guide